- he flits to different places in the space of two lines without specifying how he got there
-he is sometimes at the forefront of the story and then in the background
-He is drunk and confused about timing (unreliable narrator) e.g ellipsis
-He seems to be selective in what he tells the reader
-He never critisises Tom about his affair with Myrtle even though Daisy is his cousin
-He is more observing than judgemental about the other characters
-The billboard with the doctor on Nick continues to refer to and he sees his eyes as God looking down on him
-arrogant about his affair and is quite happy to tell Nick about it (Trusts him)
- People are scared of him and Myrtle is impressed by him
- he makes Mrytt in another carriage even though Nick knows about the affair
-He buys Mrytle anything she wants (Dog)
-He feels guilty about his affair when Mrytle says Daisy's name
-He lashes out at Mrytle and no one really bats an eyelid
Other Characters-
Mr Mckee ignores the fact his wife has been hit by Tom beacuse he is scared of him? or that it is an acceptable thing to do?
Other characters make up the numbers int his chapter
- east egg and west egg are completely contrasting to the valley of ashes
-Myrtle lives in a dreary place so loves the fact that Tom can be her escape from it all